LOVE me!
Kelly once again proves her awesomeness by not only having her christmas decorations already in place (we're getting there with ours. we just have a lengthy and in-depth planning process that we like to call "disaster-preparedness," but which you might refer to as "procrastination." Semantics, really.), but she has also taken all manner of adorable christmas photos of my kid in front of her tree. I am totally going to mail out these photos and claim the background as my own. Pretend you didn't read this when you get the pictures, okay?
Anyhoodle. Please to click here to see the entire album.
The Forgotten Photos
I Am Died.
Night Time Mothering....
I'm pretty sure I'm over it. It's been nine months, and I'm almost positive that the only thing my continued breastfeeding provides is pacification. They make pacifiers for this very reason. Not that Princess Gag-Barf would ever actually use one, but I still think I'm taking my girls and going home, because this party is o-ver.
Sunday Morning Coming Down (okay, not actually, but it is technically sunday morning and I kind of had to go there)
Surly Monkey
Iris is really a joy to be around. She's a pretty happy baby in general, very smiley and ticklish. She's totally interested in everything around her, loves to sing songs and hear music everywhere we go. She wants to touch everything, but somehow skipped the part where she puts said everything in her mouth. Genius baby. Anyway, she's just sorta high maintenance, but I'm thinking "baby" is synonymous with "high maintenance," so I'm not exactly surprised/concerned. She's happy and incredibly demanding and maybe the demon in her soul is just a tiny little innocuous one, one who doesn't necessarily want to harm you, just really freak you out a lot. Hard to tell.
Ok, here's a good example. Everyone here seen The Incredibles? No? Great Pixar flick. You should totally go watch it right now. For those of you who haven't, allow me to explain the baby Jack Jack phenomenon. This movie features a family of super heroes who are doing their best to hide in plain sight, not reveal their superpowers & live as normal folks, etc, etc. Both parents and the two older kids have identifiable powers, but the baby (Jack Jack!) has always been known as the one "normal" person in the family. Cut to the end of the movie, most of the family is off saving the world, and some bad guy is trying to run off with the baby who has been left home with a sitter. This is also, quite helpfully, when Jack Jack comes into his super power.
Let us just say that Iris and Jack Jack have much in common.
Blue Steel
Behold, Her Pudgesty, Iris Luella:
Not much new happening over here, but Kelly took some more pictures, so I thought I'd share. I've now witnessed Kelly's photography stylee a couple of times, and I take back everything I ever said about the embarrassing noises/faces that I make while trying to take photos, because Kelly is way more adorkable than I'll ever be. Woman can do things with her eyebrows that would make even the most determinedly morose of the sulky emo kids crack up.
As you can see, Iris has become much more expressive of late.
I call this one her "I am learning that information for the first time ever!" face. Doesn't she just look so mock-surprised? Like, "oh, that is quite the dramatic turn of events! How shall I arrange my face to portray the most possible alarm?"
And this one, of course is all, "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, you are not SERIOUS?!!!1!??" Like you can see the "nuh-UH" about to roll off her tongue.
So, I don't even know how to talk about this (slaps face in shame) but Iris really likes My Little Ponies. PUHLEEZ for the love of all that is good and Holy, do not start adding "My Little Pony Paraphernalia & Small Parts On Which To Choke" to any sort of Christmas/B-Day present list that you may be keeping for Iris (lookin' at you, Grandmas). Iris has plenty of good quality time with the Ponies five days a week, and I do NOT need them taking over my house. ANYway, Iris really likes them. She whips them around by their manes and bangs them on the floor, and carries them around in her backwards-crawling escapades.
And this one is just so gratuitously cute I threw up in my mouth a little. Just kidding. But it is ridiculously cute, no?
On Epiphanies, and Bad Words
Luella Fun Fact
If You're Not Down With The Brevity
Iris would like for the internets to know that she is a big kid, and big kids do not lie down, nor do they willingly succumb to sleep. Big kids eat a bunch, and they shout. They don't take smack and they really like feet.
We went to the KC area this weekend for a Kelley wedding. The weather was beautiful and we got to spend some good times with the fam, even though Grandma K. was under the weather (boo.), and we woke up at 6:30 after sleeping in 45 minute increments all night (thanks, teeth!) Last night Uncle Chris was waving to Iris, who was being unusually unresponsive to the gesture (normally it's totally enthralling for her), because she was too engaged with my foot. All babies seem to love their own feet, but we recently discovered that she really likes mine too. I can't decide if it's only my feet or I'm the most frequently barefoot person she knows or what. So I had her sitting on my knee facing away from me, and she caught sight of my toes. The only way for me to get her to even notice Chris was by lifting my leg straight and swinging it across the room to point directly at him. By the time she noticed him everyone was laughing, and I think she was just confused as to what was happening (duh - your mother is pointing her legs at people again.) Good times.
Laming Out
Here - Distract yourselves with this while I think of something intelligent to say:
Oh Dear.
Six Monthiversary
The baby is big. No, like, BIG.
Just Idle Prattle
- Haven't taken any more pictures, as I can never tell when The Sleep is coming, and I would really totally stab myself in the eye if I ruined it by screeching "Iiiiiirissss! Iris, look at Mama! Iris! Iris! Over heeeeere!" No wonder she avoids the camera.
- We are having unusually beautiful weather tonight so I thought I'd sit outside to compose this post, but then like eleventy flying beetle things dove down my shirt and attempted to build a nice community inside my bra, behind my armpit or something. It was gross. I retaliated by running inside to strip down and squeal like a little girl and smack at myself till I felt reasonably bug-free. I sincerely hope the cats step up their game on the whole creepy crawly hunting thing. Bring their A-Game, you know what I mean?
- I recently regaled my Mom with Iris' new anti-sleep strategy: Let's postpone afternoon nap juuuust late enough that it can't be called afternoon anymore, but it can't really be called bedtime either, then sleep for a couple of hours and wake up at 8pm all bright and effing bushy!
- So Iris inherited my awesomely hexagon-shaped toes, and the sleep skills of a ferret on trucker speed. Neat.
- Kyle goes back to work next week, which means Iris goes back to Kelly's house next week. Interesting caveat of that scenario is that I'll have to pick Iris up twice a week from the gym where Kelly works, since our schedules overlap a bit. The only way for Iris to attend the gym's play center, even with Kelly there, is if I am also a member of this gym. So you know where this is going. Now I have to work out and stuff. Let's all close our eyes and picture a reality wherein Megan works out on purpose. I'll give you a moment to compose yourselves.
- I think I'm finally going to cut off my superlong pregnancy hair. It was pretty when it wasn't shedding all over the place, but I've now lost so much of it to daily brushing that it's starting to resemble a poorly managed rat tail. Long hair, I barely knew ye...
- I still feel like there are bugs on me.
Crazed Baby Shuns Sleep, Attacks At Random
I'm looking at you, MacNevin.
Onward & Upward
Shakira Is Spanish For Funny (aka the linky love post)
Anyway, catch you later dudes. Super busy + teething baby = ACK.
Indeed. When you start boring the baby, you know it's time to do something about it. I shall strive to bring you actual content tomorrow (er. soon. ish. we'll see), but in the meantime, as always, enjoy the new photos (I'm posting from our desktop, so I think I'll be able to get this next bunch to picasa, but if not, check back tomorrow).
Fussy is the new black.
Have I mentioned the crunches here before? I know I've told the story in person a million times to various folks, but just to be sure I'll recap quickly: every time Iris is laying on her back, she curls up and picks her feet up and sits in this perfect death-to-abs-style crunch. It is like her big red flag that says "hey I'm about to figure something out soon." Last time it happened she started grunting and talking and trying to intone like an actual conversation was happening, when she had been the silent inquisitive baby the day before. It is her standard position now, but every time something like the big chattiness burst happens, the crunches really ramp up and become somewhat of a hindrance. They are worse when she's tired, or overly hungry and speaking of overly hungry, did anyone else know that babies go on hunger strikes because the world is just too interesting?
(awesome aside time: Kyle just mentioned that Iris has been watching a lot of the 30 Day Shred, so that might explain her drive to crunch it up.)
Anyway - what's happening is that Iris is usually a bit hungrier than she should be*, and it's harder for her to sleep because of that and the crunches, and everything being so mind bogglingly interesting. I have seen her go from dead asleep to cinching up like a fish out of water for no identifiable reason at all. Which is neat because it's always followed by her turning to glare at me for obviously forcing her to do that sit-up just then. Gah. It will pass soon though, and then I'll be able to tell you that Iris is not only three feet taller than me, but she speaks German and just wrote an ode to rice cereal in iambic pentameter.
*Trust me. She eats. She just doesn't do it in a timely fashion, and then she's super death hungry and consumes like half a day's feedings in an hour.
In which Iris divulges the meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything...
It's not you, it's me.
this is tricky
I have a real post all typed up and ready to go, so hopefully that happens tomorrow. I think some photos might have managed to load to picasa before the signal crapped out,so check there if you're so inclined.
Hopefully more soon...
The Future
- Length: 25.5 inches (82.14 %tile)
- Head Circumference: 16.5 inches (67.1%tile)
- Weight: 16lbs. 2oz. (87.03%tile)
A Challenge
Some items for consideration:
- Speaking of going out of town, last weekend we went to Kansas City, MO (ok, let's be proper here, we went to Liberty, MO, the home of William Jewell College, and some damn fine cake cookies). Iris got to meet her Dad's side of the family for the very first time, and we totally forgot the camera - omg don't shoot! But! It's okay! Grandma Kelley was on it. Crisis averted. (p.s. Grandma Kelley, wanna throw me some pictures? Thanks!)
- Funny thing about forgetting the camera is that it was out of batteries anyway, so a fat lot of good it would have done us to bring it. You could say it's the thought that counts, but in this situation, no, not really, it's the taking pictures that counts. What say you look at this to distract yourself? *A Warning: Only click on this link if you are in no way offended by bad words, rude language, and chickens. This link is WILDLY inappropriate for viewing at work or anywhere else you want to maintain the respect of your peers - seriously.* See? I knew you were going to click on it, even though I totally warned you that it would offend! But you're not angry at me for forgetting the camera anymore are you? You're angry because I made you read the f-word like seventy bajillion times. You're welcome.
- I was reminded last weekend by certain Fans of The Whiz who shall remain unnamed (most of their names start with "Kell" and end with "ey." Rhymes with Jelly. ahem.) that this blog is something that they check every day, waiting for new updates and photos and the like. I realize I have been an infrequent blogger at best, so I propose A Challenge: I will publish a post every day for the next month, perhaps even including photos and everything, but I do ask something in return. I would like to know who reads this thing. Who are ya? There are seven people who "follow" this blog (by actually having clicked on the "follow this blog" button over there on the side), and commenting has dwindled to just the Grandmas (not that I don't love seeing your comments! I need your comments. They make me feel like I'm a good writer and smart and pretty).
- To sum up: I challenge me to post every day, and I challenge you to leave a comment so that I know who you are. If you'd like, you can even ask a question you'd like to see answered here. A good example: "How did you get your hair to be so shiny?" or "What do you think about koala bears?" (answers: Pert Plus; and they're cute, sorta shifty, but not bears.)
I just can't not tell you guys about this. ack.
The most common things that make the muscle in your eyelid twitch are fatigue, stress, and caffeine.
Does anybody see a freaking cause and effect situation here? ANYBODY? gah.