Behold, Her Pudgesty, Iris Luella:
Not much new happening over here, but Kelly took some more pictures, so I thought I'd share. I've now witnessed Kelly's photography stylee a couple of times, and I take back everything I ever said about the embarrassing noises/faces that I make while trying to take photos, because Kelly is way more adorkable than I'll ever be. Woman can do things with her eyebrows that would make even the most determinedly morose of the sulky emo kids crack up.
As you can see, Iris has become much more expressive of late.
I call this one her "I am learning that information for the first time ever!" face. Doesn't she just look so mock-surprised? Like, "oh, that is quite the dramatic turn of events! How shall I arrange my face to portray the most possible alarm?"
And this one, of course is all, "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, you are not SERIOUS?!!!1!??" Like you can see the "nuh-UH" about to roll off her tongue.
So, I don't even know how to talk about this (slaps face in shame) but Iris really likes My Little Ponies. PUHLEEZ for the love of all that is good and Holy, do not start adding "My Little Pony Paraphernalia & Small Parts On Which To Choke" to any sort of Christmas/B-Day present list that you may be keeping for Iris (lookin' at you, Grandmas). Iris has plenty of good quality time with the Ponies five days a week, and I do NOT need them taking over my house. ANYway, Iris really likes them. She whips them around by their manes and bangs them on the floor, and carries them around in her backwards-crawling escapades.
And this one is just so gratuitously cute I threw up in my mouth a little. Just kidding. But it is ridiculously cute, no?