Hey You Guys...
Old video I finally figured out how to retrieve from my phone...
Untitled from Megan Kelley on Vimeo.
Schrödinger's Teeth
One may presume, when presented with all available data, that the toddlermouth is either in a state of intense pain, or severe sassiness. While the scientific evidence remains inscrutable, the toddlermouth simultaneously exists in a superposition of the states "in-pain," and "attention-seeking." Only when the toddlermouth gains fluent speech is true observation attained, and the wave function collapses to reveal the identity of the fussypants' inception. The real difficulty is that it is also deterministic, or more precisely, that it combines a probabilistic interpretation with deterministic dynamics.*
Even if she could speak fluently, she'd likely blame her attitude on teething, new molars or no. Hell, I would, and I've had all my teeth for a while now. It's a handy excuse for unrestrained crankiness. I completely understand, and of course, observation is always subjective.
Points of Interest: Iris now calls me "Mommy." This was completely her idea, as Kyle and I have always referred to ourselves as "Mom," and "Dad," perhaps sometimes I threw out a "Mama," but never "Mommy," and certainly never "Daddy." The fact remains, I am now "Mommy." She also says "ducky, doggy, yessie, no-ie, shoesie, shirty, flowery, planty, foody, etc." Every word now gets the "y." Funny how steadfastly we avoided those parental titles, and not only did they happen anyway, but they make us totally melt upon execution. WHY, with the cuteness, Luella?
Short Story Time: Iris and I went for a walk after dinner tonight. She really enjoys simply walking; no stroller, no holding, just walking beside you and taking in the neighborhood. We circled a three block radius and headed towards home. As we approached our street, a dog barked kind of frighteningly in a neighbor's yard, and a car turned town the super-remote street on which we'd decided to amble. I tossed her on my shoulders and jogged home. The baby bounced and giggled, and I held her waist and unnecessarily jostled her, and it was seriously the best time ever. We were both laughing so hard we were snorting by the time we got home. She had a bath and we read some books, and she asked to go to bed. She kissed me goodnight and went to sleep. It was a good day.
*Shamelessly ripped off this entire sentence from wikipedia
Maybe she could be a back-up singer for Stevie Nicks or something...
Please stop making this face (and really, super duper please, for REAL, please please please please stop making the accompanying bleating/keening/dying sound):
You're taxing an already over-stressed system, which is to say, your parents are very nearly at critical mass with this sh*t. Critical mass being, of course, "wow I so totally don't care that you're making that face, so cut it out and quit whining at me."
It's not that we don't care when you are sad, or upset, or just need a hug. We love you, and we want you to be happy. The problem that you face in this particular situation, my dear, is that we have stopped believing your sincerity. Remind me to talk to you about wolves and crying. This face does not mean that you are sad, or upset, or just need a hug. This face means, "I haven't demanded anything from you in recent seconds, and also you are not doting on me endlessly whilst simultaneously accomplishing all the other tasks that comprise your day. Now entertain me better, and make me some dinner." This face could also very well mean, "I'm bored. Are you paying attention to me? What day is it? I like noodles. The sun is out. I have hands." Makes us all a little testy, you see.
I really would like to get back to that place where sympathy is my first reaction to your expression here, but when EVERY. SINGLE. THING. causes you to make this face, I really cannot find it in my heart to be moved. I also cannot really bring myself to feel too bad when I blankly tell you to stop crying and go sit down, preferrably somewhere far, far away from me. The sound, as I've mentioned, is probably the worst. Make no mistake, it is constant. It is a low hum in the background of life around here. It escalates frequently and never ends. It goes from completely fake-sounding, mildly grating but low, to loud, sharp wails that punctuate some weird dance of backwards-walking and near intentional injury as a means to extend the misery. Dude, fake crying in front of a mirror is doing nothing to further your cause. Yeah, I caught that. Remember? I was holding you at the time.
Yo, other people who know stuff that I don't (clearly): Is this the terrible twos? I thought that was overt defiance and gleeful obstinance? This is just... uhg. This makes me want to take her to the hospital to demand a medical reason for the woe. This has driven me to take her temperature at least three times over the weekend, because no one is this sad over the fact that I walked out of the room without taking them with me. This makes me want to peel my face off. Or maybe just my ears. Yeah, that would suffice.
Seventeen Days...
Obligatory front porch photo of mildly willing participants!
Okay! We are being positive! and optimistic! This year will be GREAT! No prolonged ear infections; no evil hades children demanding Kyle's sanity on a platter! No! It's gonna be great.
Winner of the Way Rad Award Goes To....
Richie Tenenbaum Is Jealous
All Hail Rebecca, Queen of Photography and Awesomeness In General
- Step one: Go to here (http://www.rebeccaallenphotography.blogspot.com/)
- Step two: Leave a comment for Rebecca. Be sure to use words like 'amazing,' 'delicious,' and 'life-altering.'
- Step three: Hire Rebecca.
- Step four: Be jealous of me till you finally get her to photograph something for you.
I tried to snag these from Rebecca's blog and just post them here, but the size went all wonky and I did my best to reformat them. Did not work out so great, let me tell you. The quality here is really poor compared to what's posted up at Rebecca's place. Which is here. Go to there.
There are a bunch of photos in the main body of her most recent post, and here very shortly the entire gallery will be available on the client proofing site (that leetle grassy square that says "clients"). Various sizes of prints can be ordered from that page, so peruse to your heart's content.
Reunion Tour
Here are some photos I ripped off of Grandma & Grandpa Reinhard. I didn't post all of them, just most of the ones featuring Iris, and one without Iris but that I think makes Kyle and I look really dashing and relaxed. We're like, "hey, join us on the lanai. Kick back, have a cocktail, be good-looking and chill like us." It's what we do.
Anyhoodle, the reunion was fun but sweaty. So much so that we mostly opted out of bathing, as it was mostly useless. You know it's bad when you all smell like dark armpit and you can't find it in yourself to care. So here are the photos. I'll try to get them on Picasa later, for now, please to enjoy:
Portrait of the Baby as Esther Williams
It's a Complicated Spiritual Exercise
Just Call Me Dancin' Kim
Cherries & Burkeface
The Answer is 42
Hey Innernets
HOWEVER. This is not why I am posting today. Today, I am asking for advice.
Iris goes to sleep between 6:oopm - 7:30pm. Usually on the earlier side of that range. There is nothing to be done about that. If you try to keep her awake, she falls asleep sitting up, and collapses on the spot. This will be the kid who falls asleep in her dinner someday, I am sure of it.
So, she wakes up once around 10pm - 12am, which is when we usually bring her from her crib to sleep in our bed. Sometimes she can be tricked back to sleep in her crib at that point (since she's been sick it's been increasingly difficult to get her back to sleep at this time, but I have faith that things will return to normal soon). Basically though, a non-sick Iris can be cajoled back to sleep with back pats and quiet voices in the 10pm - 12am time range.
At 3:00am. Iris wakes up like, hard. Every day. She is loud and boisterous and usually completely flooding out of her diaper. She wants a bottle, and she wants to SHOUT. She dances on our faces, and pulls on the curtains, and waits till we fall asleep again so that she can pour her bottle out on her stuffed monkey. Sometimes, after an hour or two of shaking down the house, she will fall back to sleep when one of us tucks her into our sides and demands that she quiet down and close her eyes. It doesn't usually work, but sometimes the timing Gods smile upon us and she sleeps for another hour or two. Again, this is very rare. Most of the time, if she is going to sleep more, it will happen about five minutes before the alarm goes off. Magical.
Does anyone have any advice at all as to what we should to about the 3:00am wakehard? You can tell me to make her cry it out, but I am telling you that there is not a corner of the house remote enough to get us away from the sound, so that's really not an option (see? Not a push over; not a softie; just really like my sleep enough to not have it interrupted by sounds of dying baby). Besides, if this problem isn't solved by the time I get more vacation time, Iris is in for some serious baby boot camp sleep training. This request for advice is my attempt to solve the problem amicably, before I bust out the big ear plugs and send Kyle away for a few days. You know, so I can break her tiny little spirit with no witnesses. (insert maniacal laughter here.)
Happy Birthday
The Freakness
Official Birthday Invite: Do It.
From: The Whiz
Where: Our house. Don't know how to get there? Means we probably don't know you, but e-mail me just in case and we'll make sure you're a stranger before I completely blow you off. :)
When: Saturday, February 27th, 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. (just so you know, Iris will be near to crashing by the end of that time, so you might want to peace out of there before the big ugly sleepy crying begins. We won't kick you out necessarily, but it isn't going to be pretty. You were warned.)
I sent out a Facebook invitation, but I know you aren't all on FB, and I thought I'd go ahead and throw something up here too just in case I missed anyone. This isn't really going to be a huge shindig (at least I don't think it is - do let me know if you plan to attend though. I hear these things sometimes require a keg, and I wouldn't want to disappoint). I'm joking! (mostly!) Anyway, I'll probably make some snacks and a cake. As always, your thoughtfulness is appreciated in anything you choose to do, but please know that presents are not necessary at ALL, and also I will really totally cry myself to sleep forever if one more singing monstrosity of plastic baby crap shows up at my house.
(I have had a song stuck in my head that's been there for WEEKS. Allow me to regale you with a small sampling of the lyrics: "Me and my friend, (at this point, all music stops, followed by a lengthy pause, after which a stiff voice says "Iris," aaaaand, resume music) "like to do everything together! We jump up and down! Jump! Jump! Jump! We wag our tails! Wiggle! Waggle! Waggle!" That fine specimen comes from a small purple thing that happens to know Iris' name, favorite animal, favorite food and favorite color. I think the purple thing is a spy, but I'm not sure. Do not discuss sensitive issues near the purple thing. Do not get the purple thing wet, and for the love of God, do not look directly at the purple thing. Save yourselves.)
Moral of the story: Come to the party. It will be awesome. Bring yourselves and your children and your party pants. Avoid the purple thing.
Thanks guys! See you at the party!
P.S. Iris' shirt says "When I grow up, I want to be an evil genius." Thank you, Uncle Craig.
Unbunch Thyself
I would like to state for the record that Kyle picks up Iris from school every day, spending all sorts of cheery quality time with her before she inevitably falls asleep a couple of minutes before I arrive. And he knows how to operate the camera. And he really likes it when you call his phone, repeatedly demanding that he photograph the baby for you. No really! The man loves to be nagged. Seriously. Give it a go. LOVES it.
(aside to Kyle: BWAHhahahahahahaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!)
See? I told you I'd come back SOMETIMES.
At Christmas, as most of you know, we went to visit the Reinhards for the week. We spent all day in our jammie jams, we drank too much coffee, we watched lots and lots and lots of TV, we mostly did nothing. It was farking heavenly. That right there is my absolute favorite thing to do, EVAR. Mom and I went shopping one day, and I was all, "you mean I have to put PANTS on???" The humanity. I totally hate going places. This might explain my unusual disdain for shopping, but I think that has less to do with the pants application/going somewhere thing, and more to do with all the strangers standing too close and trying to get me to make decisions/spend money. So it's much less painful to go shopping with Mom A) because of course that drastically cuts down on the amount of money I'm spending (thanks Ma!) and B) because if any of those pushy strangers starts setting off my weird social anxiety stuff, I have my MOM there with me, and helllooo? She does not mess around. Woman has a stinkeye that will melt your face off.
Okay, this shopping story was soooo not the point of this post, but I do have a couple of pairs of lovely work shoes now, so there's that. Ahem.
Claire was given a new memory card for her Blackberry as a Christmas present from her lovely boyfriend. Seeing as we all have Blackberries now, and I was without a memory card, Claire deleted most of the pictures from her older, smaller memory card, and passed it along to me. I (just today!) went through the pictures she left on the thing, since I took a picture of Iris this morning with my phone when my real camera had the nerve to die on me. I swear, you replace a battery then let the camera sit on a shelf for a couple of months, and all of a sudden it's running out of juice the minute you get the baby in a cute ensemble. So as I was uploading the picture from this morning, I looked through and found a couple more that were pretty precious in their own right. They're supper fuzzy, definitely not print-quality, but I thought you might enjoy nonetheless.
This morning, right before we left for school. I've been waiting to put Iris in that sweater since my baby shower, and I only had to roll the sleeves a little bit. There might be a picture around somewhere of big ol' pregnant me holding this sweater up to my belly.