

Just a quick update: I am indeed pregnant! I've been to the doctor and had a blood test done, and I am apparently such a professional at being pregnant that my HcG levels are extra high. Not like, excessively extra high, but perhaps on the high end of normal. Point is, I'm pregnant. Fo Sho.

We told Iris about the pregnancy the day of the squinting at the second line game, and she's taken to talking to my abdomen. Mostly she says "HIIIII BAYBEEEEE." It's really cute. Like, really, really, capital-C: Cute. We asked if she thought she was getting a baby brother or a baby sister and she immediately responded with baby sister. Or "baby shishtuh." Something like that. Then we asked her what we should name her baby sister, and she said something like Dido, but now I realize that she might have been saying Lola, since she always replaces the "L's" in Lola's name with "D's." And she does completely idolize Lola, so... not sure.

I'm super duper tired all the time, and I discovered today that if I don't eat every two hours on the dot, I actually get woozy and shaky like I've consumed three pots of coffee in 10 minutes. I'm eating about six meals a day, and it's now 9:23 pm and I feel like I might pass out from exhaustion. Higher cognitive functioning is completely beyond me at this point. Kyle swears I didn't get like this last time till more like second trimester time, so I don't know what's going on. This pregnancy is just an overachiever, I guess. I'm gonna sleep on it, and I'm sure I'll come up with an amazing explanation for the complete ass-kicking I'm already getting here. Okay, no, not complete. This is me NOT jinxing things. Complete destruction would include barfing, which I thankfully am not involved with. I'd MUCH rather sleep 100 hrs a week than barf. So. On with the sleeping then...


  1. Two post in one week! Thank you, Megan.
    Kelly, Lola and Olly (future boyfriend of said baby girl)

  2. What a wonderful thing!! Congratulations! xxoo Patty
