Well would you look at that! One hundred days of pregnancy to go. That's crazy! I think it was right around this point in my last pregnancy when I decided that I was really very over this whole preggo ride and would like to get off now please and thankyouverymuch. It's not so bad this time, but I can tell you that all of the crap that hurts when you're pregnant now hurts, so I'm not like, savoring every second either. I'm probably just better equipped to handle it all since I know what's coming and I clearly lived through it once before.
We had our last ultrasound today, which was really just a follow-up because FBK wouldn't move to accommodate pictures of his heart last time. He is definitely for sure still a boy, and today's ultrasound tech couldn't stop gushing over the beauty and perfection of his heart. He weighs 2lbs6oz, which is apparently on the high end of the normal range for size at this gestational age. This is me not worrying. Totally not worrying. Still within normal ranges. Anyway I have the standard gestational diabetes test next month so we'll find out if he's on his way to being abnormally large. I'm not worried about it, but I guess we'll see.
There were pictures, but I don't have them ready yet. I can tell you that FBK and The Whiz have the same nose and of course they share the hobbit feet of doom. Sorry kids. I'll try to get those pics up tomorrow!
Sounds good! Keep up the good work! xxoo