
Info Aperitif

Gosh I wish somebody was handing me an aperitif... am I too focused on alcohol these days? Someone let me know if I'm sounding like a jackassy lush over here. But just so you know, it is only 20 days till I can (probably) partake of a deliciously crisp and refreshing alcoholic beverage, and oh by the way, have I ever mentioned how much I love the efficiency and economy of a nice box of wine? Say, some Franzia? Just checking.

Some quick bits of info which I presume to be precursors to an actual, rambly-style post which I will write Some Day:

  • Not dilated nor effaced

  • Started having contractions the day after last cervical check (also: ouch).

  • FBK is for sure head down (or was on Wednesday).


  • Started full-time work from home today, which will last till baby comes.

  • I have decided not to have the baby till Grandma & Grandpa Reinhard get here.

  • This will work, because I said so.

  • If you have any cats you need harassed, I have just the toddler to do it. She accepts nachos as payment.

1 comment:

  1. Bhu sez: OK, so how comes U is checkin' on the 'vailability of the toddler? We has no kittehs here that needz herrassmint! Right mom?
    Patty sez: That's right, Bhu. It's just that we have so MANY NACHOS around here! [snork, snork, heee heee!] Ahem.
