Well, I'm not sure why these came out so teeny. Oh well, they're at least showing up, which is probably the best we can expect when it comes to me and technology. These were all taken by Kelly, posted to her Facebook page and then completely ripped off by me to post here.
Baby Cruella!
I'm pretty sure this picture was taken by Kelly the morning of Iris' big sleepover party. It doesn't look like she missed me too terribly. Awesome.
Iris is totally in love with Lola, and I'm pretty sure Lola really likes Iris. She's been trying to call her Baby Luella since she was born, but it usually comes out as Cruella or Truella or Druella, and sometimes she switches gears altogether and just calls her Baby Iris. Rest assured, Lola will never make reference to that kid without the title of Baby preceding whichever name she chooses that day. I hope she doesn't mind that too much when she's 15.
After bath & a little bitty dress up party
Here are the post bath photos as promised. We had some friends in town visiting for my birthday this weekend and I managed to snap another photo of Iris and Sophia (you might recognize her as the blonde blur holding Iris in that last batch of photos), except this time you can see their faces and everything.
This is just to say:
The Baby took a bath.
It was delicious.
Pictures to follow.*
*(but not of the actual event, they're more of the post-towel-wrap era, because you know she's not so good at the breathing underwater, and I didn't trust her not to try it while I attempted to capture cute squeaky/splashy baby moments.)
Nothing new here, but I thought everyone would enjoy these pictures of Kyle and Iris hanging out. I know all three photos are fairly similar, but it should be noted that this whole 'sitting with Dad while simultaneously not freaking out' thing was all but impossible for Iris as recently as just a few weeks ago. Enjoy!
Solve for X. Show your work.
Where B = Baby, i = iris, I = Immunization, & S = Sleep:
(answer: X = Franzia. Sleep is cumulative, y'all, & she did all her sleeping for the week yesterday, which means Franzia for me today.)
Do Not Look Directly At The Child
As I'm sure you all have noticed, I'm not really the type to post more frequently than once or twice a decade, or half past the last time one of you threatens my life for lack of (preshus baybee!) photos, but I had to tell you about what happened last night. Iris went to bed at 5:30. That's in the PM, people. Five. Thirty. It was weird. She woke up at like 10:30 when Kyle and I went to bed, but I think she was rather put out by it, and immediately went back to sleep. She was still sleeping this morning at 7:00. I felt like the mother of a teenager, dragging her out of bed and slapping some clean clothes on her. Well, I imagine a teenager could probably dress herself, but there were some days that I wasn't too far from needing assistance in that area when I was a wee teen. Good thing I never had to actually choose an outfit - MAN I miss that uniform! I digress.
So. Wouldn't it be cool if this was standard procedure now? AHahahahahaha! Ya. I do not think so. Don't get me wrong, I'd love it if she did this every day, but if there's anything I've learned it's not to expect any sort of patterns/predictability from Iris and everything will be just fine. Anyway all the free time was weird and I didn't know what to do with myself. At one point my nervous energy got the best of me and I realized that I was sort of following Kyle around the house chattering at him incessantly while he desperately tried to do Important House-Fixey Stuff, occasionally throwing me an enthusiastic "uh-huh!" It would probably be for the best if she just went back to her usual baby routine and spent those hours between 6pm and 10pm awake, like a normal Iris should. I kinda missed her...like I said, it was weird.
So. Wouldn't it be cool if this was standard procedure now? AHahahahahaha! Ya. I do not think so. Don't get me wrong, I'd love it if she did this every day, but if there's anything I've learned it's not to expect any sort of patterns/predictability from Iris and everything will be just fine. Anyway all the free time was weird and I didn't know what to do with myself. At one point my nervous energy got the best of me and I realized that I was sort of following Kyle around the house chattering at him incessantly while he desperately tried to do Important House-Fixey Stuff, occasionally throwing me an enthusiastic "uh-huh!" It would probably be for the best if she just went back to her usual baby routine and spent those hours between 6pm and 10pm awake, like a normal Iris should. I kinda missed her...like I said, it was weird.
A Fine Day to Get Shot...
...or a fine day to get a shot, but you tell me which one sounds tougher, huh? Anyway, Iris handled it like a pro. I think I cried more than she did. Then we came home and partied with some baby Tylenol and took some awesome pictures!
Weighing in at a hefty 11 lbs. 10 oz.
This is the exact face I wake up to every morning. Sometimes I even get lucky and she LICKS ME with that tongue. Good thing she's so cute.
According to the doctor, Iris is a perfectly healthy, if slightly socially advanced, two-month-old baby. Yes, she might have seasonal allergies, yes, she might be teething, and yes, (not) sleeping like that is normal. I think we can officially say that what we have here is your traditional persnickety baby. I couldn't even begin to fathom where she got that from...right, Mom?
I really want to post something of substance today. Really. I do. Alas, I've got nothing. Iris is about the same as she was last week at this time. Kyle and I are approximately the same as well. I want to tell you stories but aside from my traditional fare of, "wah! baby won't sleep! pout! gripe!" I just don't have much else for you. Although please, if you're jonesing for more whiney stories of Iris' lack of sleep, I have plenty for you.
Iris has her two month well baby check-up this coming Monday, so I should definitely have something interesting to impart after that, if only a weight/height update. I'm curious to see if the doctor agrees with our assessment that she is, in fact, teething at a remarkably young age, and perhaps learn the answer to the question of whether or not babies this young can get seasonal allergies. Dr. Google says no, but I suppose I should trust the professionals on this kind of thing. She's had goopy eyes and curiously goopy barf, and I occasionally extract like, Shrek-sized boogers from her little tiny face. Again, Dr. Google claims this could all be a result of the massive amounts of drool caused by the super advanced teething.
Anyhoo--I hear screaming through the door. Gotta go!
Whee! I'm a Grown Up Again!
I guess it's probably not great that I don't really feel like a grown up unless I earn an actual paycheck. I know plenty of people who lead perfectly fulfilling adult lives without having to like, put on pants or anything (aside to stay-at-home parents: I'm not judging here. I'm jealous). Plus, when I was living my brief existence as a stay-at-home, I was always wearing pants, they were just usually the pants I put on three days ago. I probably don't have much to be jealous of, huh?
So going back to work has, generally speaking, been a welcome change to daily life with a baby. It has had an overall organizing effect on Iris' sleep patterns and it's begun to allow Kyle some necessary bonding time with her. I usually wake up around 6:30 with Iris snuggled up in my armpit, at which point we both do a little squirming and rearranging of limbs, thereby getting her snuggled up into Kyle's armpit. I safely exit the bed, baby sleep in-tact, and spend the next 45 minutes scurrying around and getting myself ready for work. By 7:00, Kyle and Iris come downstairs, make silly faces at each other, high-five a couple of times and then Iris and I head off to Kelly & Lola's house by 7:15. My friends, it is wonderful. Especially since Kelly has the elusive baby magic that enables her to like, snap her fingers or wave her hands or something and knock that baby out. No clue how she does it, but she's my new hero.
While I'm working this part-time schedule for the next five weeks, Kyle will have Iris on Saturdays. Tomorrow is his first. Pray for him. (I kid! Sort of.) They actually have been doing much better together in that Iris does not scream at him the entire time I'm away, and will actually fall asleep in his presence sometimes. Baby steps. I think they'll do great-the little morning time they have has done wonders for her ability to recognize Kyle as an acceptable care-giver, even if he doesn't have any functioning boobs (she's still a little miffed about it though).
I don't have any more pictures, but I hope some of you have noticed that I added a whole bunch to Picasa last time I posted, so if you need a cute baby fix, check there. Anyhoo-the monitor is making some distinctly squeaky baby noises, so I'm off. Hopefully there is a first day of school pic of Iris and I coming soon.
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