
Whee! I'm a Grown Up Again!

I guess it's probably not great that I don't really feel like a grown up unless I earn an actual paycheck.  I know plenty of people who lead perfectly fulfilling adult lives without having to like, put on pants or anything (aside to stay-at-home parents: I'm not judging here.  I'm jealous).  Plus, when I was living my brief existence as a stay-at-home, I was always wearing pants, they were just usually the pants I put on three days ago.  I probably don't have much to be jealous of, huh?

So going back to work has, generally speaking, been a welcome change to daily life with a baby.  It has had an overall organizing effect on Iris' sleep patterns and it's begun to allow Kyle some necessary bonding time with her.  I usually wake up around 6:30 with Iris snuggled up in my armpit, at which point we both do a little squirming and rearranging of limbs, thereby getting her snuggled up into Kyle's armpit.  I safely exit the bed, baby sleep in-tact, and spend the next 45 minutes scurrying around and getting myself ready for work.  By 7:00, Kyle and Iris come downstairs, make silly faces at each other, high-five a couple of times and then Iris and I head off to Kelly & Lola's house by 7:15.  My friends, it is wonderful.  Especially since Kelly has the elusive baby magic that enables her to like, snap her fingers or wave her hands or something and knock that baby out.  No clue how she does it, but she's my new hero.

While I'm working this part-time schedule for the next five weeks, Kyle will have Iris on Saturdays.  Tomorrow is his first.  Pray for him.  (I kid!  Sort of.)   They actually have been doing much better together in that Iris does not scream at him the entire time I'm away, and will actually fall asleep in his presence sometimes.  Baby steps.  I think they'll do great-the little morning time they have has done wonders for her ability to recognize Kyle as an acceptable care-giver, even if he doesn't have any functioning boobs (she's still a little miffed about it though).  

I don't have any more pictures, but I hope some of you have noticed that I added a whole bunch to Picasa last time I posted, so if you need a cute baby fix, check there.  Anyhoo-the monitor is making some distinctly squeaky baby noises, so I'm off.  Hopefully there is a first day of school pic of Iris and I coming soon.


  1. Good for you enjoying adult time too! And yay for daddy/daughter time!

  2. Glad to hear the schedule is working for you. One of the biggest challenges is getting your self organized to get out the door on time and the process is done automatically (you don't have to keep running back into the house because you forgot something!). Everyone chips in and it flows naturally. It's interesting that Iris's sleep habits are normalizing out too. I do remember Auntie Claire sleeping like a fiend at the sitters and on the weekends would never, ever take a nap---she didn't want to miss out on anything! Babies are smart and sneaky! Love Grandma/Nanna Reinhard

  3. Babies are not suppose to sleep in their parents' armpits, but whatever works! You need to videotape the magic that Kelly has. This will be a great experience for Kyle, I hope she is a good baby for him. He ALWAYS was a great baby for me (or I am just so old I have forgotten, it was a long time ago).
    Love Grandma Kelley

  4. I think it takes a special kind of person to voluntarily give up their independence. I could never do it. The paycheck is very important.
