Iris has her two month well baby check-up this coming Monday, so I should definitely have something interesting to impart after that, if only a weight/height update. I'm curious to see if the doctor agrees with our assessment that she is, in fact, teething at a remarkably young age, and perhaps learn the answer to the question of whether or not babies this young can get seasonal allergies. Dr. Google says no, but I suppose I should trust the professionals on this kind of thing. She's had goopy eyes and curiously goopy barf, and I occasionally extract like, Shrek-sized boogers from her little tiny face. Again, Dr. Google claims this could all be a result of the massive amounts of drool caused by the super advanced teething.
Anyhoo--I hear screaming through the door. Gotta go!
Good luck on Monday. I'll never get the image of Shrek-sized boogers out of my mind! xxoo P