Semolina Pilchard
He's been smiling and chattering with little babyvoice noises recently. I like to encourage him, so I do little dances and sing songs with him when he starts talking. Iris gets in on it and drops that little booty like it's hot. Iris is always down for a dance party, with or without music.
Anyway, today I sat with Cormac on the couch, just chilling out after work and trying to tame his cold/reflux issues, and I swear I'm not making this up, he said, "coo coo cachoo!" And then he barfed on himself.
The Happy Horker 2011
Patrician Vomitorium
It's oh, so, quiet. Shh. Shhh.
This is not so much conducive to a functioning life of employment. Coworkers do not necessarily appreciate a twitchy, hyper-attentive, more than slightly quirky cohort. They in fact frown upon that sort of thing. Tends to detract from accomplishing actual work.
So I went back this week, and it's same, same. The work is the same, and the people are the same, even if our physical location is different (we needed a bigger office). I am making a real effort to pump this time around, and so I've been assigned my Closet of Dubious Usefulness in which to do so. It's actually kind of fun. For twenty minutes every day, I get to lock myself in a nicely carpeted storage room, post a sign that says "NO CLOSET TIME FOR YOU" (so not joking), and hunker down with some celebrity gossip on my phone.
I have actually been pretty successful at tuning out the rest of the world and getting some things done, but I really do hear phantom sounds of infant distress coming from the HP printer who lives around the corner from my cubicle. I was mildly tempted to walk over and pat his back and ask if he needed a drink of water. I mean, I thought about it anyway.
It's so hard to switch parts of your brain on and off at your convenience. I think that's a well-known fact, but it bears repeating. Kyle and I are executing this life of carefully timed comings and goings revolving around child care and work schedules. There are literally minutes between when I arrive home from work and when Kyle must appear for work. When we are home, we are caring for children, and when we aren't, we are working. That's just how it is right now.
I keep telling Kyle that everything will be magical in five years. In five years, both children will be completely in charge of their own bathroom adventures. They will sleep with some measure of predictability. They will not wear diapers or need to be fed manually. Then, THEN, when I'm good and 35, I'll be able to relax when it's quiet, not wonder what, exactly, is about to go wrong.
Waterloo: Wherein Strangely I Am The Pint-Sized Loser
I know I'm not experiencing anything that hasn't happened to millions of people before me. I just cannot get over that I'm so bent out of shape right now that I'm referring to my children as something that happened to me. Who does that?!?! Well, I guess I do. I am six weeks postpartum. I am tired and I'm covered in dubious milk-esque substances (both source and regurgitated). I am lumpy and haggard and I never have time to eat, so WHY DO I STILL HAVE ALL THIS EXTRA SKIN? I live with someone who actively seeks to piss off everyone near her, then when they seem like they're just about to snap, cackles in their face with maniacal glee.
I feel like I am so angry (so, so, so angry) all of the time. What is this doing to her? What kind of person is she going to become if all she knows is that it's fun to piss people off then laugh at them? What kind of person will she become as a result of living with two adults who are still so angry from her last horrible outburst that they can't even be happy with her when she is good?
I have asked several people whom I respect both as people and as loving parents to tell me what to do. The answer seems to be that we are to simply live through it. There is no solution. Party on.
Let Me Sum Up
Sorry, I had to go there.
Anyway, Iris likes school. She cried when I left her the first two days (like, monkeyed herself to my neck and had to be pried off by a surprisingly strong teacher's aid), then on the third day, bemoaned school in general for the entire ride in, then let me go without even a sideways glance. Win.
A couple of nights ago, in an effort to kill time while Kyle was at work, I bathed both kids. Iris, then Cormac, got all clean and snuggy and good-smelling. I tucked them both into the couch with me and everything was just delicious. Then Iris got up to "clean up some crumbs" and swiped her hand through a hidden pile of errant ketchup from dinner. Then (says the ketchup-enhanced child), I picked up Kashmir because she was sad, and there's cat hair on my ketchup, oh hey, I have to pee. Oh, I peed on the floor... oh, and the rug... and also Mommy it got on my legs and my socks. Hey, can you help me?
About three hours prior to this event, Iris informed me that she was going to work, she'd see me after lunch, she loved me and, okay-bye-bye. When I disentangled myself from nursing a few minutes later to investigate the disturbing silence, I found Iris in the refrigerator. Let me explain. I mean that Iris was bodily and wholly INSIDE of the refrigerator. It was shut as much as she could get it shut while standing inside of the refrigerator.
I honestly do not know how to express my total horror and also inappropriate abject amusement at this turn of events. I mean, this level of terror, this is karma, right? I seem to recall a warm, tired voice telling me she couldn't wait till I had kids who were exactly like me. So, that happened. Neat. Can't wait for this show to really get interesting. Perhaps I'll go scrounge up my 13-year-old person's diary and review a bit.
Meanwhile, in New Kid Land, I was simultaneously pooped, peed and barfed upon the other day. Then a few hours later, Cormac lay astride the boppy, looked right at me with a precious little gummy grin, and flipped me right off. Almost got a picure of that one too. It was. so. awesome. Those two facts pretty much encapsulate all there is to know about Cormac these days. I'm going to get him a little bathrobe and start referring to him only as The Dude.
Both kids are napping right now. It is 74 degrees and sunny on this fine November 13th, and I am sitting on my deck, hanging out with the dog. I can hear "This Magic Moment" softly twinkling in my ears, and little birds just carried a garland of sparkly unicorn magic to me in their beaks. Win.
Montessori Narcolepsy
Duermen, Ninos
Iris likes this Sesame Street DVD called "Favorite Kids Songs: TWO," or something, and there is a song on it called "Duermete, Mi Nina." It roughly means, "sleep, my little girl." She likes the song a whole lot for someone who hates sleep. I think Cormac has been studying her, because he went from being the kid who sleeps in these big beautiful four-hour chunks with no problem, to being a fussy, tired, sleepless baby.
It's not all bad. I mean, he does EVENTUALLY sleep, but the fact that we have to work so hard for it now is very reminiscent of the whiz, and not very awesome in the least. I know this is kind of rambly and uninformative, but I just realized tonight that only NOW (now that Cormac shuns sleep with the pros), do I have that stressed out/senses-heightened/mama-bear-will-KIIILLL YOUUUU-if-you-mess-with-my-babies...thing happening. This feeling must be a direct result of sleep deprivation in new parents. I was beginning to wonder if something wasn't wrong with me, simply because I'd been so relaxed about Cormac up till now.
I actually have emergency congingency plans all laid out to deal with various (completely unrealistic and barely probable) scenarios. I remember doing this when Iris was brand new. I had this plan that if someone came to the house to plunder/rape/pillage (because vikings are so prominent in columbia and everything), then I would sacrifice myself and destroy the baby monitor, all while silently dialing 911, in the hopes that even if I died, eventually some emergency responders would find Iris, safe and sound in her crib. Or something.
The point is that I was so proud of myself for not going to that crazy place this time around, and now look at me, all wondering if crazed hobos are living in the woods behind my house. I mean, at least I usually have the dog with me back there, and I'd totally throw her under
I think it's important to note here that I don't actually believe that any of this could or would happen, but it's important to plan ahead.
I should maybe sleep some.
Iris at school
This is a really precious shot, till you learn that she got plowed down by a very large five-year-old moments later. Ah, memories.
Pretty Pretty Princess
To wit: I'm Screwed
My Buddy and MEEEEEEE
FBK is a Big Mac
So is Kyle. He stopped being able to feel his legs a couple of days ago; it's pretty nuts actually.
Baby shower was fun and apparently you guys DID think I was being an assy lush (thanks?), as I got several boxes of wine. Yes. Several.
Been having cramps/backaches all day, and they hurt.
That is all.
Info Aperitif
Some quick bits of info which I presume to be precursors to an actual, rambly-style post which I will write Some Day:
- Not dilated nor effaced
- Started having contractions the day after last cervical check (also: ouch).
- FBK is for sure head down (or was on Wednesday).
- Started full-time work from home today, which will last till baby comes.
- I have decided not to have the baby till Grandma & Grandpa Reinhard get here.
- This will work, because I said so.
- If you have any cats you need harassed, I have just the toddler to do it. She accepts nachos as payment.
Scenes of Macho Times
Mom! I'm eating dis fing wif Dad it's wike chips an' cheese an' sour keeeem an' it's DEWISHUS. Dad made it an' dere's cheese wike sprinkled on it. I eatin' it.
Yeah, I used the tortilla chips that were already opened, so I'm a little disappointed because they're stale, and these could have been so much better. I should have done the chip check before I put them in the microwave. *scoffs somewhat bitterly* I mean, they were still good, and I was really glad to have the opportunity to put sour cream on something...
7:37am, the living room, this morning:
I hungry. I need some fooooooOOd.
Okay, we have craisins and bagels and cereal and fruit...
I wike cheese and sour keeeem. I wike chips.
Iris are you asking for nachos for breakfast?
Well, can you at least attempt to eat something healthy first?
Okay, I eat some raisins?
Cool. Let's do this.
8:17am, in front of PBSkids, this morning
Hey Iris, how's your breakfast?
(whispers reverently) Dere's cheese an'.... wike sour keem...chewchewchew...dis a chip...chewchew...Mom, I wove machos.
With the Quickness
A Month In The Life
The Great Lone Range, or Why My Butt Loves The Couch Way More Than Me
So Iris and Kyle did go out of town, and lo, there was much lazing and repose. On my part, that is. Kyle and Iris did whatever they did, and it was all a mystery that I don't care to solve. I decided that I
Anyway, I actually did have to work the first two days they were gone, so it's a good thing Grammy took pity on me and babysat Iris for the weekend. I got all my work done and sat on the aforementioned sofa, and I do believe that was the last time FBK was small enough to avoid directly stimulating my sciatic nerve. If you're not familiar with your sciatic nerve and what it can do, do not bother trying to learn. That would be like researching what, exaaaactly jellyfish stings are like.
I was all set to blog about stuff that weekend, in fact, but then Babs' charger broke (Barbara Jean - the Apple laptop), and I had to rush order a new one. Then I was going to meet Grammy and Papa in Concordia to pick up Iris, and noticed the huge bolt/nut/washer combo sticking out of my driver's side tire. I did not drive to Concordia that day. G & P did bring Iris back home though, which is nice, since I kind of like my kid and everything. And - bonus - they fixed my tire too!
Iris really likes having her picture taken now. She actually directs photo shoots starring her. It's... kinda weird in an endearing little way. I think it might be the "CHEESE" face that gets me the most. I mean, it reminds me of one of those poor, harried stage children whose mothers bleach their teeth and put them on toddler diets. I seriously have no idea where she learned that. I barely even wash my own hair, so I think I can safely opt out of that little blame cycle. Fortunately these shots look relatively natural. Here is a small sampling of a recent photo shoot:
Irisey With The Fringe On Top
The hair in the face was about to kill me. So, as much as I hate bangs, hated having them growing up and hate that they make children look creepily precocious, it had to be done. I stood her up on the toilet lid last night and chopped those suckers off. They are crooked and jaggedy, but at least she dosen't look like one of those Afghan dogs with the hair and the not-seeing and whatnot anymore.
Oooo, Let's Dance, Awight?
...quoth Iris when she first heard this song, and then of course again every time after. This is the time when I shamefully admit that my kid likes dance music. Like, that one might find in a dance club. For dancing. I um... will be sitting on my couch with my unwashed hair. Someone who likes glow sticks and sequins can be responsible for endoctrinating Iris into the land of technopop:
Miscellany - Ask Me Later
We bought a house! We did not manage to sell one though.
The dog died and I didn't even cry. Only part of that statement is true.
I like yard sales and I especially love preparing to host one! That entire statement is false, which makes the likelihood of its occurrence no less probable.
Cats only barf where bare feet go, and children only pee on the floor when you're late for something - discuss.
I'm way pregnant. Whoa.
Wilco Copper Norge
I was just reading someone else's blog (you don't know her; I don't even know her), and in it she explains that she recently had to cry into her mom's lap for a bit about how stressful children are, how much they suck when you can't take them outside of the house, how they're never going to stop being all needy and loud, recognized her own continued needy/loud-ness in regard to her mother, cried more, etc. Yes to all. Yes times a million. And this woman is a stay-at-home of three girls under the age of eight. I get to go to work three whole days of the week (hah - I GET TO WORK)! And for two of those home days, I'm not even primary care! And yet!
And yet, I am still embarrassed of the shallow lack of patience I currently sport. Iris is so wound up, all the time. The child just needs an energy outlet, and that is impossible when the heat index is 112 degrees. Poor, poor, awesome Kyle deserves an award for how well he cares for her and also refrains from tossing her out the window daily. She's just hysterical, and not in the funny awesome way, more in the losing-her-damn-mind kind of way.
She has been talking lately. Like, really talking. Talking like a big kid who has some level of reasoning skills and likes to ask questions. Her favorite question at the moment is "because why?"
(sounds of cat sadness coming from Iris' direction....)
Me: Iris, stop patting Kashmir's back please, you're hurting her.
Iris: Because why?
Me: Patting her back too hard will hurt her.
Iris: Because why?
Me: It will hurt her because hitting hurts.
Iris: Mommy, I not hit Shashir's back, I PAT her back. She not crying.
Me: Kashmir doesn't know the difference between patting and hitting, Honey, she just knows she doesn't like it.
Iris: Because why?
Me: Because it hurts her.
Me: Well, you're going to have to take that up with her because she thinks you are.
Iris: Shashir, I not mad at you, I pat your back! No crying!
That could seriously go on for hours. She is somewhat willing to be redirected, but it takes a high level of bribery and waaaaay more patience than I have right now. Massive high-pitched melt downs are very common around the Kelley abode. The cat convo was just a tiny example, but my brilliant solution to that problem is to ban cat interaction forever. This will soon be a problem if it becomes my solution to every problem, as I can't very well ban her from touching everything in the house, especially when the inside of the house is the only place she can go.
Iris also recently decided that the things we ask her to do are pretty much just suggestions that can (and should) be ignored. Not awesome. Yesterday the only way I was able to get her to listen to me and stop running/screeching/giggling maniacally was to stand in front of her and let her ricochet off of my legs. I certainly couldn't have caught her if I was actually running after her. Then of course there was the resulting fallout/tantrum of epic proportions. I ended up doing that awesome thing where I drag the pissed off child around by the upper arm while she does her best protester limp. That was all within the first few minutes of my arrival home from work.
Did you know that July 4th marks the beginning of child abuse season? Did you know that there was a SEASON? I think it's only something referenced by ER staff, but still, this is a THING. I learned that little tidbit in my random other people's blog perusal as well. Apparently it has something to do with school being out, children being insane dictators, and the heat index being such that taking them outside to run off steam is something akin to child abuse. I'm just saying, you know I'd never participate in such a season, but I SEE WHERE THEY'RE COMING FROM, YAKNOW?
In lieu of my own mother's lap upon which to cry, we are shipping Iris off to KC for two weekends in a row. I have next to zero guilt about this. Okay, maybe like 5% guilt. Possibly more, but I'm repressing it. Kyle is going out of town to visit friends in Texas that he's been trying to find time to visit for like six years or something. The decision to send Iris to KC this weekend was a last-minute deal, offered up by Grammy because she knows I'm nuts? I don't know, I'm not questioning it, because you know what? DO YOU PEOPLE KNOW WHAT? (I just don't even know how to make shouty-caps shoutier than this...)
The only thing that would make this more bursting with awesomeosity is if I could bring my friend Franzia along for the ride. Alas, FBK would not enjoy the resulting brain damage, so I guess this will just have to happen again next summer! Booya. Silver linings are shiny and pretty/I heart shiny things!
Tomorrow, next week, same deal
{Knee-to-face action}
{Umbilical cord as binky}
{More umbilical fun times}
100 Days
We had our last ultrasound today, which was really just a follow-up because FBK wouldn't move to accommodate pictures of his heart last time. He is definitely for sure still a boy, and today's ultrasound tech couldn't stop gushing over the beauty and perfection of his heart. He weighs 2lbs6oz, which is apparently on the high end of the normal range for size at this gestational age. This is me not worrying. Totally not worrying. Still within normal ranges. Anyway I have the standard gestational diabetes test next month so we'll find out if he's on his way to being abnormally large. I'm not worried about it, but I guess we'll see.
There were pictures, but I don't have them ready yet. I can tell you that FBK and The Whiz have the same nose and of course they share the hobbit feet of doom. Sorry kids. I'll try to get those pics up tomorrow!
Iris Music Thursday: Tighten Up
We tried to show her some of their videos online the other day, which is when we discovered that the visual accompaniment to the music is usually kind of violent or sexually inappropriate or just kind of obscure and funny (but only to adults, probably).
So anyway, here: watch the kind of violent, mildly funny video. Know that Iris busts out her hippiest windmill arm dance every time it's played.
It's better this way
This is all a very long-winded way of announcing that I am now going to list all of the things I can think of that drive me batty. You don't have to read it, because they really don't make sense for the most part, and I'm sure that my feelings about this list are greatly exacerbated by the insane hormones currently raging inside my body. Nonetheless, I have to put them here or I'll say them out loud. To the people who actually annoy me. Nobody wants that. It's not their fault that they sneeze wrong.
- Mouth noises - If I can hear you chew, gulp, smack your lips or breathe through your mouth, I'm probably feeling violent. That's disgusting and uncalled for.
- People who insist on saying "bless you" following every sneeze they hear. If I sneeze 17 times in a row (it's happened), and you feel that you MUST bless me, say it ONCE, okay? ONCE. I don't even really need you to say it at all, certainly not 17 times.
- Cars who stop to let me cross the street. Okay, I know this one is weird, but think about it. If there are only one or two cars on the road, and you are patiently waiting on the sidewalk to cross the street, you will actually get to the other side faster if the cars just go ahead and pass, rather than take the time to slow down and come to a safe stop in order for you to walk across. Plus, I'd really rather not have an audience while I cross the street. It makes me feel like I need to rush and that I'm holding up traffic and that I'm in the way.
- On the other side of the sneezing issue: People who vocalize while they sneeze. I know, I know, that it is impossible not to do so when you have been doing so nearly all of your life. But I also theorize that it is not necessary nor is it natural. Babies don't hoot in the middle of sneezing; they don't say the actual word achoo while sneezing. They just breathe in deeply, and then breathe out really quickly through their noses. No voice.
- Patronizing use of the word "we." This annoys everybody, doesn't it? WE are not eating this meal, I am. WE did not say how far along we are in this pregnancy, as last I checked, WE do not share a uterus. I almost feel like this bullet point is so obvious I shouldn't have even listed it, but you know, spirit of sharing and all that...
- Open doors, but not the ones that lead to houses. Okay, again, super dumb and weirdly irrational. I do not understand why someone would open a cabinet door to retrieve something, then just leave it open. Why would you open the mailbox, get the mail, then leave the mailbox open? WHY? Really! I need to know!
- People who say "Git Er Dun!" What is that? What does that even mean? Are you trying to sound like an assh*le? Because you do. You sound like an uneducated hick.
- The too-long door-holder. Dude, if I am right behind you, cool - hold the door for me. That's a very nice thing to do. If I am any other distance from you than within the 2-foot door-holding range, just let it go, it's not worth it, and you're probably making mouth noises that I really don't want to hear anyway.
See? Now I feel better and I'm not even going to punch my very good buddies who gulp water at me and bless every sound that even slightly approximates a sneeze. Good times.
Limpid Bagel
So I don't have any major (or minor, really) updates, and obviously you didn't get a song last week. I mean, I'm perfectly comfortable posting The Farmer in The Dell (AGAIN), but as Aunt PittyPat noted, you guys aren't really here for the cartoons, no?
Potty training is going much better; thanks for the suggestions. Turns out bribery does work, we were just doing it wrong. I mean, stickers are nice and all, but she was holding out for chocolate. We've actually noticed that Iris might be saving up trips to the bathroom to ensure more trips to the Potty Candy Stash. Smart kid.
I continue to get huge and FBK continues to kick about. I'm not really sure what's going on in there, but his feet are definitely still firmly planted on my bladder. It's neat.
That's about it for now. Again, name suggestions? Anybody? You know you are just dying to tell me what to do (right? people love telling other people what to do, don't they? that just me, then?).
Take a Gander...
Okay, why is he in his lady's chamber? Why would a goose who is seemingly intent on checking out some lady's bed care one way or the other if some old guy was praying or not? Are we really teaching the youth of India (and elsewhere, I suppose) that violence is okay if you don't follow the rules? Don't get me wrong, I enjoy threatening to cut my co-workers if they chew too loudly or play with their clicky pens too frequently or like, breathe really loudly, but that's FUNNY because I would never ACT on it. Probably. But that goose is seriously just rude. Don't you think that old guy was kind of frail? Has he no concern for osteoperosis? Why is this a children's song?
Iris is fully potty trained at school. She initiates her own visits to the bathroom and almost never has accidents. She naps without a diaper and has for weeks. I think her last accident happened like two months ago, seriously. At home, her response to "do you have to pee" is always "NO." If you force her to sit on the potty, she will sit for hours and hours and insist the entire time that there is no pee. Then she'll stand up, pull up her pants, and pee on the couch/floor/your lap. She will wake up in the morning with a dry diaper and hold her pee for hours after waking. I have seen her go over 14 hours without peeing. Help me.
Meet Aloyshious Fitzpatrick Kelley
Iris Music Thursday: Somebody Hug The Cheese!
Iris: ...
Jovian Heavy
FBK is due on a Thursday. My half birthday and Thanksgiving fall on the same Thursday this year. Iris was born on Thursday, February 26th, and I have been convinced all day that today is definitely Thursday. This pregnancy hits 20 weeks this Thursday, and conveniently enough, Iris Music Thursday! usually happens on Thursdays, mostly because it happened to be Thursday when I came up with the idea.
The contemporary name Thursday comes from the Old English Þunresdæg, "Thunor's Day." Somewhere along the line the "n" was dropped and we got "Thor's Day" out of that mess. A lot of other changes happened over the ages, but mostly we need to know that Thor is the god of Thunder, and his name from the Romans is Jupiter (Latin: Iuppiter, Iūpiter) (also called Jove). In Vedic Astrology, Hindu astrologers named the planet Jupiter after Brihaspati, the religious teacher of the gods, and often called it "Guru", which literally means the "Heavy One."*
Jupiter is a gas giant with a mass slightly less than one-thousandth of the Sun but is two and a half times the mass of all the other planets in our Solar System combined. Jupiter is primarily composed of hydrogen with a quarter of its mass being helium; it may also have a rocky core of heavier elements. Its shape is that of an oblate spheroid (it possesses a slight but noticeable bulge around the equator).*
Being that I am so full of Thursday-esque properties, it is extremely accurate to state that I am a massively heavy oblate spheroid, a thunderous gas giant if you will, with a rocky core. Watch out.
And now, here is a random picture of Katie Pants for No Reason At All (tm)!!
* I ripped off all sorts of information from Wikipedia. In the words of the great Mike and Em: "Look it up."
Somebody buy me this book
Two days a week, I work at 6:30 in the morning, as does HPD. Yesterday I managed to forget my office keys, so I had to actually summons HPD from her desk to let me into the office. This of course, opened the gates for conversation (con-ver-sa-tion, n: 1. oral exchange of HPD's sentiments, observations, opinions or ideas 2. instance of such exchange wherein only HPD may speak). I had actually experienced a lovely HPD-free streak of good fortune for going on about six months there, but yesterday's dumbass keyless situation just threw that era right out the window. An obnoxious, but surprisingly short by HPD standards conversation ensued, and then we went to our separate corners to work.
So OF COURSE, this morning when I attempted to get to my seat and begin my work day unmolested, I was unsuccessful. HPD was at my desk in under five minutes. I hadn't even logged on to my computer yet. She had some fake reason for needing to stop by, like asking my opinion of something without actually attempting to solve the problem on her own before contacting me. I answered her question quickly - which of course annoyed her - and that's when she began making up reasons to stick around.
She told me about her car and her horses and her boyfriend's dad's pituitary gland tumor, and some other stuff I probably don't care about, but I wasn't really paying attention. This is the part that amazes me about HPD; I can literally turn my body away from her and start working on my computer, and she just... keeps talking.
Anyway, it is at this point that my dumbassery really comes to bite me in the ass. HPD spies the calendar that hangs behind my head, the calendar upon which I write personal appointments (i.e. non-work-related appointments, not like personal, personal appointments), and she sees the "20 week ultrasound" note scheduled for May 23rd. Please let me note at this point that I am one day away from being 19 weeks pregnant. I OBVIOUSLY look pregnant, and I have for a few weeks now. I'm not trying to hide anything here, and though I never made a grand announcement of pregnancy to the office, it's clear to everyone that I am pregnant and the knowledge is widely accepted.