Please stop making this face (and really, super duper please, for REAL, please please please please stop making the accompanying bleating/keening/dying sound):

You're taxing an already over-stressed system, which is to say, your parents are very nearly at critical mass with this sh*t. Critical mass being, of course, "wow I so totally don't care that you're making that face, so cut it out and quit whining at me."
It's not that we don't care when you are sad, or upset, or just need a hug. We love you, and we want you to be happy. The problem that you face in this particular situation, my dear, is that we have stopped believing your sincerity. Remind me to talk to you about wolves and crying. This face does not mean that you are sad, or upset, or just need a hug. This face means, "I haven't demanded anything from you in recent seconds, and also you are not doting on me endlessly whilst simultaneously accomplishing all the other tasks that comprise your day. Now entertain me better, and make me some dinner." This face could also very well mean, "I'm bored. Are you paying attention to me? What day is it? I like noodles. The sun is out. I have hands." Makes us all a little testy, you see.
I really would like to get back to that place where sympathy is my first reaction to your expression here, but when EVERY. SINGLE. THING. causes you to make this face, I really cannot find it in my heart to be moved. I also cannot really bring myself to feel too bad when I blankly tell you to stop crying and go sit down, preferrably somewhere far, far away from me. The sound, as I've mentioned, is probably the worst. Make no mistake, it is constant. It is a low hum in the background of life around here. It escalates frequently and never ends. It goes from completely fake-sounding, mildly grating but low, to loud, sharp wails that punctuate some weird dance of backwards-walking and near intentional injury as a means to extend the misery. Dude, fake crying in front of a mirror is doing nothing to further your cause. Yeah, I caught that. Remember? I was holding you at the time.
Yo, other people who know stuff that I don't (clearly): Is this the terrible twos? I thought that was overt defiance and gleeful obstinance? This is just... uhg. This makes me want to take her to the hospital to demand a medical reason for the woe. This has driven me to take her temperature at least three times over the weekend, because no one is this sad over the fact that I walked out of the room without taking them with me. This makes me want to peel my face off. Or maybe just my ears. Yeah, that would suffice.
Hmmm. Who sounds whiny now?!! I'd say in general girls are really good at whinning. Encourage her to use her words to explain to you why she is so distraught. Don't forget that I'm the mother of Katie and Katie was the queen of whinning. Love Grandma R.
ReplyDeleteSo glad that Grandma R. made claim to the reason for Iris's whinning. It runs in the family. I really don't remember my three doing this, but memory is the first to go when you get old (or maybe bladder control is first). I have no solution to offer, only my sympathy. You could send her to Grandma and Grandpa K.'s until she is past this stage. If you just need a break we are always here. Love, Grandma K.
ReplyDeleteOh yes. The "whining" tag for this post was in reference to myself. Also, I have noticed Iris becoming more and more like Katie every day, and though that's normally really exciting and cute, I can't help but think that the attitude problem is just God's funny way of punishing me for not being understanding of Katie when she was small.
ReplyDeleteYes, God can be funny sometimes! Seeing that photo of Iris makes me want to give her anything she wants...anything.