Iris would like for the internets to know that she is a big kid, and big kids do not lie down, nor do they willingly succumb to sleep. Big kids eat a bunch, and they shout. They don't take smack and they really like feet.

Is that pie? I'll be taking that, thanks.
I am totally serious about the staunch anti-recline position that Iris has taken lately. She won't even lean her head back a little to eat. When she falls asleep we have to resort to the utmost in trickery to convince her that she does not, nor will she ever, exist in anything other than a fully upright position. It was this behavior coupled with a few days of extreme sadness and a teensy mild fever, which convinced me that she had an ear infection. I sort of knew that she didn't, but I was feeling paranoid so I just went with it. Of course it turns out that she is infection free, maybe had a mild reaction to a virus or something. But! This means that she had to be weighed!
Check your socks, they're about to be knocked.
19 lbs, 14 oz.
!!! !!!!!! ! !
Well, I think it's a big deal. It's so funny when I watch others try to hold Iris for any length of time. I like to time how long it takes them to start sagging. Best time goes to Uncle Craig, but I think he just hides it well. The kid is a chunk.
Exhibit A:

You tell ME which one looks bigger, and then which one is almost three. years. old.
Crawling seems pretty imminent these days. I propped Iris' knees up underneath her while she was having some tummy time just to see if anything would click for her and it sort of did. It at least gave her a new perspective for long enough to stop thoroughly hating the situation. She lost the pose after a few seconds, but the idea is there. She's almost more interested in standing than trying to figure out crawling though, and I think she fully mastered sitting up alone just a few days ago. Her second (bottom) tooth came in yesterday-ish as well, but for some reason the drooling has ramped up, rather than taper off as I'd expected. She was crying quite a bit on the car ride home today, and one of the few things that seemed to quiet her was pressure on her top gums. It never ends, does it? I shall strive to imagine a word evil enough to encompass my feelings about teething.

Did you bring the baby tylenol? Cuz if not, the sharks are waitin'.
We went to the KC area this weekend for a Kelley wedding. The weather was beautiful and we got to spend some good times with the fam, even though Grandma K. was under the weather (boo.), and we woke up at 6:30 after sleeping in 45 minute increments all night (thanks, teeth!) Last night Uncle Chris was waving to Iris, who was being unusually unresponsive to the gesture (normally it's totally enthralling for her), because she was too engaged with my foot. All babies seem to love their own feet, but we recently discovered that she really likes mine too. I can't decide if it's only my feet or I'm the most frequently barefoot person she knows or what. So I had her sitting on my knee facing away from me, and she caught sight of my toes. The only way for me to get her to even notice Chris was by lifting my leg straight and swinging it across the room to point directly at him. By the time she noticed him everyone was laughing, and I think she was just confused as to what was happening (duh - your mother is pointing her legs at people again.) Good times.

Mom. Why do you have to be so embarrassing?
I've put these, and all the other photos that I absconded from Kelly's Facebook up on Picasa. Unfortunately, no photos yet of Iris standing (working on it) or of me gesticulating with my lower extremities (don't hold your breath), but I do happen to know someone who could give you an excellent tutorial on the Flying Superman Punch, speaking of leg gesticulation (Steudle).
What a CUTE sailor!!!! I hope you're teaching her how to cuss like one! OPPS! I didn't say that! :) Actually, deep down you know that'd make me and my sailor mouth happy:)
ReplyDeleteIris, I look at your pictures everyday, but I have been in too much of a fog to blog! Love, Grandma K
ReplyDeleteSo, she's not petite. Big surprise! She is, however, pretty darn KEWT!! xxoo