I nearly threw it in the trash. Okay, I did throw it in the trash, but then I pulled it out again really quickly to make sure that I at least gave it the full three minutes that the instructions suggest you wait. So I set it down on the counter and went to fetch some coffee. Then the toddler started climbing my legs, and the cats were crying about not having any food in the left-hand bowl (even though the right-hand one was full), and the phone was ringing, and I knew I was supposed to be doing something but since I needed the coffee to be alert enough to remember stuff like that, I couldn't remember that the thing I was supposed to be doing was getting coffee. Oh, and also checking on that little bathroom project I nearly tossed.

That line is so light that I nearly threw it out again, but figured it couldn't hurt to get a second set of eyes on it. What follows is possibly the most humorous attempt at getting good light that the three of us have ever undertaken. Kyle and I are holding it up to the kitchen window, squinting and angling our heads, and Iris is down by our feet shouting, "MINE." As if I'm gonna hand the thing I peed on to the baby... anyway, we determined that it's either the location of the second line were there to be a second line, or it is in fact the second line, and OMFG, I'm pregnant.
ReplyDeleteThat's right! Come to think of it, I still haven't gotten my celebratory baconator... Must remedy this situation.
ReplyDeleteI will also eat something special to celebrate, probably not a baconator!
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to post here how happy Grandma and Grandpa K. are. This is wonderful news.
Oh Goody! Aunt Pittypat gets to be aunt again.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, stay healthy and well.