We went to lunch at a little cafe on 9th street. Iris chose to spend most of the meal with my sunglasses on, Olly mostly gnawed on...everything, and Lola pondered nervously about what exactly was all over! Iris' toast (Lola, it was butter).

Today we had painting time, mostly because I didn't have the energy to explain again why picking up the cats by their throats and carrying them around is not nice, they don't like it, and they will in fact retaliate eventually.

I'll have you know there was much keening and woe when the paint-ey snoopy shirt had to be taken off once artiste time was over. We ended up putting another, less paint-oozy, giant Kyle t-shirt on her to stanch the tears. The Artist Formerly Known As Iris (TafKAI!) is very emotional.
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