Well, that one thing that goes bump in the ute. That kid is down with the
dancey dance time. If you watch the video in that lovely link up there, you will see the
exact dance Lil' Ralphie was doing yesterday. Oh, by the way, I decided to start calling FBK Lil' Ralphie, what with all the attempts at making me barf s/he made. It was either that or Chuckie, and Kyle seemed to shudder with disgust a little more when that name came out. I enjoy this so very much.
Anyway, let's just say that Lil' Ralphie is going to have the jazziest of jazz hands. S/he was so flippy and wiggly that it took forever just to get a heart rate. I mean, we did get one - 162, I think - so all healthy and all that.

Speaking of pronoun issues (I was - in my head), the crankiest ultrasonographer in the world told us yesterday that if she had to guess, she'd say Lil' Ralphie is a boy. I am only 13 weeks along at this point though, and it really is too soon to tell. From my vast and thorough google education, I have learned that the butt-shot technique of identifying the baby's sex is only accurate after 17 weeks or thereabouts. So when Capt. Crankypants did the butt-shot (for approximately four seconds) and then determined the sex to be male, she was in all probability completely making things up.
Apparently the sex of the baby can sort of be determined as early as 13 weeks (with 80% accuracy!) but only if you look at a side-shot and find the angle of the nub thingy. It's not nearly as precise, but it is definitely done by looking at a side-shot, NOT at butt-shot. I want a recount, Capt. Crankypants. I mean, we will get a recount, just not very soon. I have the morphology scan scheduled for Monday, April 25th. Approximately four weeks from now we will know, almost for sure, what flavor we're getting here.

These are the two photos our Fair Captain left us with. They are a little fuzzy and weirdly similar, but you know, don't poke an angry bear and all that. She had some extremely negative mojo going on, so I think Kyle and I telepathically agreed to just get the bare info and scoot as quickly as possible.
So, assuming we are having a boy, somebody tell me what to name this kid. We have about 20 possible girl names and like, two boy names that we're both kind of "meh" about. Help!
I'm glad we had 2 boys because we NO girl names. If we had a 3rd Riley was going to be our name if we had a boy or girl but since we're done you can have it. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteI am partial to the name Michael. Just kidding, I know you said that could be a middle name. I have no ideas, sorry. Love, Grandma K